The important classes in the System.Xml namespace that deal with XML documents are XmlDocument, |
XmlDocumentFragment, and XmlDataDocument. An XmlDocument class represents an entire XML docu- ment, and the XmlDocumentFragment represents a fragment of document. The XmlDocumentFragment |
class is useful when you deal with a small fragment of a document. The XmlDataDocument class allows you to work with relational data using the DataSet. It not only provides functionality to store, retrieve, and manipulate data but also enables you to switch between relational and hierachical view of your data. The |
XmlDataDocument inherits from the XmlDocument class, which in turn inherits from the XmlNode class. An in-depth discussion of the XmlDataDocument class is provided in Chapter 8. |
Besides the methods contained in XmlNode, the XmlDocument class implements a series of CreateXXX() |
methods to create a document’s contents such as CreateComment(), CreateElement(), CreateText(), and so on. Each content type of an XML document has a corresponding class defined in this namespace. The classes are: |
XmlAttribute |
XmlCDataSection |
XmlComment |
XmlDeclaration |
XmlEntity |
XmlEntityReference |
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