This site explores the array of XML features and how they can be used in ASP.NET for developing Web
applications. XML is everywhere in the .NET Framework, from serialization to Web services, and from
data access to configuration. In the first part of this book, you’ll find in-depth coverage of the key classes
that implement XML in the .NET platform. Readers and writers, validation, schemas, and XML DOM are
discussed with ASP.NET samples and reference information. Next the book moves on to XPath and XSL
Transformations (XSLT), XML support in ADO.NET and the use of XML for data display.
The final part of this book focuses on SQL Server 2005 XML Features, XML Serialization, XML Web
services, and touches on XML based configuration files and its XML extensions. You’ll also find a couple
of case studies on the use of XML related features of ASP.NET and Web services that provide you with a
real life example on how to leverage these features.